Table of Contents

prolog layer

Table of ContentsClose

1. Description

This layer adds support for Prolog using the bundled Prolog mode for Emacs. In addition it also adds ediprolog support for better interaction with SWI-Prolog.

1.1. Features:

  • Designed for SWI-Prolog as a default, but can be used with other Prologs that Prolog mode supports.
  • Interactive consulting and compiling.
  • Auto-formatting.
  • Apropos and help lookup.

2. Install

To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add prolog to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

3. Key bindings

3.1. Consulting

Key binding Description
SPC m s b Consult Buffer
SPC m s f Consult File
SPC m s p Consult Predicate
SPC m s r Consult Region

3.2. Compiling

Key binding Description
SPC m c b Compile Buffer
SPC m c c Compile File
SPC m c p Compile Predicate
SPC m c r Compile Region

3.3. Formatting

Key binding Description
SPC m = Indent Buffer

3.4. Inserting

Key binding Description
SPC m i m Insert a Modeline for Module Specification
SPC m i n Insert Newline and the Name for the Current Clause
SPC m i p Insert Predicate Template for the Current Clause
SPC m i s Insert Predicate Spec

3.5. Help

Key binding Description
SPC m h a Prolog Apropos for a Given String
SPC m h p Online Help for the Atom under Cursor

3.6. Evaluating

Key binding Description
SPC m e e Context Sensitive SWI-Prolog Interaction.

Author: root

Created: 2024-07-23 Tue 17:37
