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Vue layer

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1. Description

Layer for Vue, for working with .vue files.

Note: This layer creates a derived mode called vue-mode on the fly out of web-mode to handle vue files. It will conflict with the vue-mode package, make sure you don't use that package together with this layer.

1.1. Features:

  • Wholesome features from web-mode, especially on template part
  • Better performance
  • On-the-fly syntax checking with eslint
  • Proper syntax highlight and indentation with vue-mode
  • Two options for backend support for autocompletion and code analysis: lsp and dumb
  • Code autocompletion with company-mode
  • Formatting code with prettier layer
  • evil-matchit % to jump between open and close tags
  • emmet-mode and yasnippet for code expanding with the TAB key

2. Install

To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add vue to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

The Vue layer uses the backend that's defined by the variable vue-backend. The options are dumb and lsp. Default is dumb backend. To choose a default backend set the layer variable vue-backend:

(vue :variables vue-backend 'lsp)

To use the on-the-fly syntax checking, install eslint:

$ npm install -g eslint-cli

Check eslint official doc for setting rules

To use automatic code formatting you need to install prettier with:

$ npm install -g prettier

If you want to use local eslint and prettier in your project, turn on node layer dotspacemacs-configuration-layers function:

(node :variables node-add-modules-path t)

3. Backends

3.1. dumb

dumb backend is light weight and fast. dumb-jump is used to handled go to definition (gd vim key binding). Because of the template nature of Vue, it works very well.

Company backend is set to be very eager in suggestions.

eslint is used for linting.

3.2. lsp

Vue language server needs to be installed which one depends on the version of Vue you are using. For vue2 use:

$ npm install -g vls

for vue3 use:

$ npm install -g volar

These backends provide all the fancy features like: jump to definition, references, type inference…

If you are not happy with the linting behaviour of your lsp server you can fallback to eslint by setting vue-ignore-lsp-diagnostics to t.

4. Indentation

web-mode-script-padding is set to 0, so indent is zero at root level inside script tag.

5. Key bindings

5.1. web-mode

Free stuff from `html' layer, with minor change to avoid conflict with lsp layer

Key binding Description
SPC m E h highlight DOM errors
SPC m e b go to the beginning of current element
SPC m e c go to the first child element
SPC m e p go to the parent element
SPC m e s go to next sibling
SPC m h p show xpath of the current element
SPC m r c clone the current element
SPC m r d delete the current element (does not delete the children)
SPC m r n rename current element
SPC m r w wrap current element
SPC m z fold/unfold current element
% evil-matchit key binding to jump to closing tag

A transient-state is also defined, start it with SPC m . or , .

Key binding Description
? Toggle full help
c clone current element
d delete (vanish) current element (does not delete the children)
D delete current element and children
j next element
J / gj next sibling element
h parent element
k previous element
K / gk previous sibling element
l first child element
p show xpath of current element
q leave the transient-state
r rename current element
w wrap current element

5.2. Formatting (prettier)

Key binding Description
SPC m = = format code with prettier

5.3. Auto-complete and documentation (dumb)

Key binding Description
SPC m g jump to the definition of the thing under the cursor
SPC m G jump to definition for the given name

5.4. Lsp key bindings

See the lsp layer.

Author: root

Created: 2024-10-11 Fri 01:37
